Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh, what, you can't find your finishing time?


Oh? What? Can't find my name? Yeah check PAGE 25. Not "number 25" but scroll 24 pages down to find me. That's right. It's faster to go to the end then scroll up.

*Note: First woman finisher was 47 years old. The second place goes to a 39 year old. And the third place finisher was 33. So as I was telling Becca-- it's clearly something women age into this whole "running" business.

***Much Love to Talia who had to drive the car home because my legs were like "you still want us to work after all that?!?!" ... I mean Talia even had the foresight to give us goodies bags filled with ice and aleve. She clearly knows us really well.

Much Hate to: (this is a longer list)
1.The Caesar Rodney race organizers who thought that running up and down hills for 13.1 miles sounds like a fun way to raise money for The American Lung Assocation. (on a sidenote, thank God for that guy at the last 1/2 mile hill who was basically instructing me what to do so I wouldn't be tempted to walk)
2. The Caesar Rodney pizza people who wouldn't give us a slice because they were waiting for the "laggers to finish" -- ummm, did I not finish on page 25?? Does that not qualify??!!
3. To Matt who works with me who trained for 3 weeks and finished 20 mins ahead of me. No, I'm not competitive! I'm hating because he finished "early enough" to eat a slice of pizza, COOKIES (!! I didn't even get to SEE said cookies), JUICE, POWERBARS, got his girlfriend pizza. His GIRLFRIEND got a piece of pizza. I'm sorry, what was your time Matt's girlfriend wearing so-obviously-did-not-run jeans?!
4. And most importantly--"Jen" our crappy waitress. We went to a crappy pizza place where "Jen" the crappy waitress committed many many crimes, one of them being spilling water all over our coupon "for next time." (perfect, "Jen") to come! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

5Ks ... why haven't I done them before?!?!

Becca and I finish our first 5K together. After the run we were like "hmm, that was short." Since we've never run anything under 6 miles together. Our pace (which we have calculated 8 million times out of awe) was 9:05 min miles. Which also counts 1. me almost puking at the very start out of nervousness 2. me punting my eyeglasses when they fell off my face and kicking them around on the ground 3. me almost freaking out when I realized we ran our first mile in 9:15 and Becca saying "Let's slow down!" 4. me almost tripping on the hill back to the finish line. I'm pretty sure we'd have AT LEAST 9 min miles if it weren't for me holding us back. Now we know.

Picture of me punting my eyeglasses: (reinactment)

To me that looks more Heisman Trophy-ish.

...And Becca in her infamous pose, shows off her bib number.

I show off my bib number.

And lastly, our running forms... There's a lot of work to be done....

(apparently tho, Becca has recently taken a liking to breaking down my running style which usually is: arms dead straight by my side, left foot turned in like it's broken-- in summary me running like a monster. Sorry we don't all have PERFECT FORM, Becca...)

I pretend to "cross the finish line." ( Becca finished #103, and I finished number #105.)

I love Amy. She organized the 5K "support our troops" theme. It was super fun to see her... eventho she made me help her recycle after the race....

In summary, we spent more time taking pictures post-race than actually running the race. That's where our heads are at.

Half Marathon this weekend. I have a feeling we'll be less "jokey" this weekend... gah!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Can running tights be too tight??

This is what happens when running tights are too tight.

12 miles successfully ran in CW-X running tights. Becca asked me if I was self conscious in them. Now I am!

We're tapering this coming weekend before the big Half Marathon. :) And then I'll struggle again for 45 mins to put those tights on again. Next time I'm gonna stuff my sports bra for some added self esteem.