Monday, April 27, 2009

there was a bandaid at the bottom of the pool when Talia and I were swimming the other day. I got so grossed out because it was in my lane and I would stare at it as I swam above it. I kept thinking about what it was originally covering (bacteria infested scab? papercut? nipple?). And it was hard for me to swim because I kept thinking about how I was swallowing the pool water + whatever bacteria was on the bandaid. Luckily after 30 mins the bandaid migrated to the next lane over.

thank God the river we're swimming in is so so dirty--i mean, murky that you're left only to your imagination what's on the bottom of the pool (versus it staring directly at you as you swim over it).

1 comment:

  1. "the next lane over"-- was that MY lane???? You took advantage of the fact that I can't technically see the bottom of the pool! Tell me the truth- was it actually your bandaid?
